Our goal is to offer both the children and their parents a comprehensive consultation and unrivalled care in all aspects of child and youth dentistry. With our child friendly practices, and competent staff you children will only have positive experiences.
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Accident- What to do?

After an accident teeth can break, chip, be moved or even completely knocked Out.

On suspicion of a concussion (dizziness, vomiting, unequal size
Pupils), please contact immediately your family doctor or contact a hospital.
Every accident must be reported immediately to your dentist and your insurance company. Even small accidents can lead to long term consequences.  

Correct behaviour is crucial.

• Every accident must be reported immediately to the dentist
• What happened when, how, where?
• What is the age of the person concerned / the child?
• Milk or permanent teeth affected?
• Minor accidents can also lead to complications

Zahnhase Emergency Service Basel Stadt:
Monday to Saturday: 7 – 22
Sunday- and Holidays: 10 – 16
Bahnhof SBB
Centralbahnstrasse 20, Basel
061 227 70 70
Email: basel@diezahnaerzte.ch

Zahnhase Emergency Service Baselland:
Monday – Thursday: 8 – 20 
Friday: 8 – 16 
Saturdays by reservation
Bahnhof Liestal
Bahnhofplatz 11, Liestal
061 927 13 13
Email: liestal@diezahnaerzte.ch